November 29, 2023

Max Detzer: A New Music Scene

STORY BY Autumn Valdes / edited by emily trage


Max Detzer (‘27) is a Violinist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and a 10-time state competitor for the WSMA (Wisconsin Solo Music Association) in solos, orchestral solos, and jazz trios. As well as the Exemplary award winner for WSMA. He is a current first year at Ithaca College in the symphonic orchestra and is very excited for the next four years of his musical future and career at IC.

Autumn Valdes sat down with Max Detzer to discuss his adjustment to the music scene in Ithaca, his hopes for the future of the symphony orchestra and some of his favorite violin pieces.

AV: Tell me a little bit about yourself! What’s your major and minor? Tell me about orchestra, sports. What do you do at IC? What are you all about?

MD: I’m a freshman at Ithaca College and I’m an Econ major. I’m also interested in becoming a Chemistry major as well, and a minor in music is hopefully on the way this spring! I also row — I’m on the crew team in the Varsity 8, and I play violin in the IC symphony orchestra, which is really fun.

AV: So, what’s so fun about playing the violin at IC? Why do you love that?

MD: Well, I haven’t been in an actual orchestra in a while, so it’s really enjoyable to play here. The music we play is difficult, so I have a reason to keep practicing. It gives me a lot of reasons to keep working at it and get better.

AV: How long have you been playing violin?

MD: Since I was six. I’m eighteen now so that’s twelve years.

AV: What made you want to start playing?

MD: I wanted to do an instrument and I thought violin would be pretty cool. Plus, my dad was also really interested in the violin. I played for my elementary school, but I started taking the instrument more seriously in high school. I’d take lessons with my teacher as an elective and then eventually, I started getting lessons elsewhere as well.

AV: What do you love about it?

MD: I think I just love the sound and the fact that it can be so hard to play. I love how it can be both a solo instrument but also a rhythm instrument, like the guitar, which I also play.

AV: What do you like better? The guitar or the violin?

MD: I like the violin better.

AV: Why?

MD: Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s because I’m better at the violin than the guitar, but I do like the guitar, especially electric.

AV: So what do you love about the musical environment at IC?

MD: I really like that you can just kind of walk around and see other people in your ensemble. I thought it was really interesting that music plays a big part in other programs. Like you see fall sports teams at orchestra concerts and showings. I see classmates of mine in math, business, and econ classes, all in the orchestra too. There are so many people in this school involved in music, and it’s just a huge aspect of the whole campus in general.

AV: So, would you say it’s a very closely connected environment in the orchestra?

MD: There’s definitely bonds made within the orchestra. The symphony orchestra at least is very interactive with campus.

AV: How so?

MD: You see sports teams, professors, friends, in the audience. I feel like we have a very supportive campus when it comes to music, and that’s always really great to see.

AV: Yeah that is great. It sounds like music really brings the campus together. So, who is someone you look up to in the music scene at IC?

MD: I’m still so new to it, but our first concert here, the first one I was in, we played “Rhapsody in Blue,” and one kid played this really cool clarinet solo. The first time I walked into that room, I heard him playing some really cool stuff and I was really impressed. He was on point and the notes were just hitting. It’s nice to see other people in their moment when it comes to music, especially in classical pieces.

AV: What goals do you have in mind when it comes to music and the violin? Where do you see yourself, and what do you want to achieve and accomplish with your music?

MD: I just want to personally get better, and I want the orchestra to get better. I just want to improve and hear us all improve as time goes on. Most of my interest in the violin comes from wanting to be able to play difficult material and hear myself get better, so I just hope that can be possible.

AV: What are you excited about for the future of the orchestra here at IC?

MD: I’m excited because a lot of the people in the orchestra are underclassmen, and that’s really cool. It means that in a few years, we’ll be even better than we are right now. I think the orchestra has a lot to offer to campus, especially in the future as this young group improves.

AV: What current pieces are you working on?

MD: Right now, I’m working on “La Symphonie Espagnole,” and I’m also working on all our Ithaca College symphony orchestra repertoire. I’ll probably be just doing some more of the Bach "Partita no. 2,” just trying to get the chaconne down, but that’s just for personal preference because I love the song.

AV: That sounds exciting.

MD: It really is. It’s a song with a lot of flavors, and I feel like it’s a really fun piece to play. Actually, I started learning that song so I could play it for my dad on his birthday because I know he loves that song.

AV: That’s great. What else do you have to say about the music culture at IC?

MD: I think the music culture at IC is very interactive and exemplary, and honestly nothing like I’ve ever seen before. A lot of the people everywhere here are music students, like I said before. I think that’s a big reason why people come to this school. I’m pretty sure it even started as a music facility too. I think you turn around a corner and you see a lot of musicians, and people carrying instruments, which is pretty cool to see. You go to events outside of school and you see Ithaca College musicians performing at places downtown, and there’s a bunch of open mic nights and karaoke nights. Ithaca is just always so alive with music. So many people on this campus are musicians, and it’s just really great to be a part of that.

AV: Great, Max, thank you so much for your time and for talking a bit about the symphony orchestra. It was so great talking with you!